Tycker du att den klubban som står för 45% av slagen under en runda är viktig?
Quintic Ball Roll™ innehåller dels en mjukvara, dels höghastighetskameror, vilket innebär att det är det enda systemet på marknaden där man både visuellt (bild/film) och i siffror kan se vad som händer med swingen, klubbhuvudet och bollen innan, under och efter bollträffen när man slår en putt.
För vem?
Quintic Ball Roll System vänder sig till tränare, club-fitters m.m.
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Vi söker nu referensanläggningar över hela Skandinavien, är du intresserad av att sätta upp din egen Putter-fitting studio så hör av dig! Skicka ett mejl till info@bgolftech.se så tar vi det där ifrån!
Vill du förstå mer av vad Quintic Ball Roll System innebär så titta på filmerna längst ned på sidan.
Padraig Harrington
"The Quintic Ball Roll Systems provide unique data on how your golf ball reacts after impact. This information is invaluable when custom fitting your putter or improving your putting stroke."
Guerin Rife - CEO / Chief Designer, Evnroll Putters
"The Quintic Ball Roll system is the gold standard for putting analysis. Along with the vast amount of information it also validates our Evnroll putter face technology. The 'impact ratio' data shows how the Evnroll imparts a constant energy transfer across the hitting area of the putter face, superior to all other putters.
The Quintic has become an essential selling tool for our studio custom fitting service.
Quintic Ball Roll is a wonderful piece of equipment."
Steve Harrison, President SIK Golf
"At the inception of SIK Golf in 2009, I reached out to Quintic to test the technology we developed for the face of our putters. I chose Quintic because it had the most accurate parameters, for both the ball and the putter, of any other system on the market. Quintic administered a series of robot tests proving that our technology worked, which ultimately led to our Patented DLT (Descending Loft Technology). Perhaps an under-looked advantage of the Quintic Ball Roll System is that it is the only system to provide accurate metrics of the golf ball and putter without the need for adding any weight to the club to capture this data. I ultimately ended up purchasing a Quintic Ball Roll System to continue our in-house R&D and while we still research and validate our new putter development, the Quintic has been used daily for our fitting and coaching sessions. Quintic is the system we trust to help some of the best players in the world! We would not be able to do what we do without it."